Not to long ago I was a teenager in disposable diapers. It was bad and good. I was home schooled. My mom hired a tutor. I went to school in the Joel Embiid Cartoon signature shirt and I will buy this living room wearing a disposable diaper and a onsie. The tutor was a friend of my mother’s. She knew about my diapers and would change me from time to time. I miss those thick attends diapers. They smelled so good when you opened the package just like Pampers used to. I often think what it would have been like to wear my diaper in gym class. Changing in the locker room would have been somewhat embarrassing showing my disposable diaper to everyone. That’s why my mom said no public school for you. Summer is coming up and love wearing a diaper and t-shirt along with my gym shoes. It’s easier for others to change my diaper. My mom only buy’s me rearz disposable diapers. Those fit exactly like baby disposable diapers.
My eight year old son has always been a bedwetter and wore a nappy at night. He sometimes would have wetting issues in the Joel Embiid Cartoon signature shirt and I will buy this daytime, so if we went on ok g journeys etc, he would also wear one during the day as well. Over the Easter holidays he said he wanted to wear full time for the holidays – with reservations, I agreed. We were going to lots of days out and he would have been wearing a chunk of the time anyway. So he spent the holidays in nappies and I thought he would go back to big boy pants when he went back to school. However, he is still wearing pull ups during the day. He never dirties himself at school, but he is wet every day he comes home from school. He did have embarrassing accidents in his pants at school, so at least now his trousers are staying dry.