Yes I do. I had to wear them as a kid from age 4 1/2 to 15 1/2 for bed, waiting in a long car trip and field trips with the New Poster for Bobby Farrelly’s Champions shirt and I will buy this school for a week Bladder is sick full-time so I Not have to get out of bed I wore them to theme parks for long lines I wear them now for urinary incontinence and bedwetting But I am OK with it because they are my underwear now Take him out for ice cream somewhere where you can talk that he feels very comfortable. Then I would let him know I know he or she is wearing diapers and that I am not mad nor disappointed that I am just concerned. I would ask is it just bedwetting or does it happen during the day also and how long he or she was having issues. If it was just bedwetting I would buy him or her protection and let my child know don’t worry you will hopefully outgrow it. That it is likely that his or hers bladder is not maturing at the same pace as rest of his or hers body. Then I would set an appointment with his or hers doctor.
We have tried timers, and regular underwear, going to the New Poster for Bobby Farrelly’s Champions shirt and I will buy this bathroom every half an hour for days on end. He just can’t get the hang of it. We do keep trying. Every 3 months or so we start at the beginning and try again. He will eventually be potty trained, but it’s going to take some more time. Yes when I was 4.5 I begged my mother to put me back in Pampers and she did. I wore Pampers 24/7/365 from 4.5 until I was 7. Then when I was 8 my mother caught me wearing a soaking wet diaper that I was peeing in and she took me to the grocery store and she bought me 2 boxes of Pampers and I wore them 24/7/365 until I was 10. Yes you can no matter what some people say like the man.he doesn’t like us diaper lovers. But he is not the one that matters. If you want do it . I love wearing diapers no matter what THE MAN says. I will never stop wearing my diapers. So if you want to try them sure you can and if you don’t like them you can stick to your pullups at night.